We are a singles social group for over 45’s. You are welcome to join us for a drink and a chat and find out about the events that we have organised. Members meet on a Wednesday evening in the Family Room of Coleview Community Centre from 7.30pm onwards. You can come along to three meetings before you decide if you would like to become a member. Membership is currently £3 per month.
The club organise regular social events such as cinema and theatre visits, quiz nights, skittles and ten pin bowling, treasure hunts and days out + Sunday Lunches. The Club also hold two annual dinner dances, one in the summer and one at Christmas. These events are always well attended by members and we are always open to new ideas and suggestions for events.
The club is run by a voluntary committee for the benefit of members and is a not-for-profit organisation.
To find out more you can contact Ron Rose {Membership Secretary} on 07759 439480 or Nicki Sheppard on 07867 318594 or email us on squareone@mail.com
Coleview Community Centre, Towcester Road Swindon SN3 4AS